Tuesday 5 December 2017

How to Ace Writing a Thriller

Following these below tips should see you writing heart-pounding thrillers that have your reader glued to every page:


Here Avoid Cliches

While there are, fortunately, fewer clichés in writing thrillers, than there are in say, romances, it's still a good idea to stay away from predictable storylines that have been done to death. You know what I'm talking about: the hero must save a girl from bad guys, bad guys have girl tied up in the basement, hero sneaks in and saves her without out anyone noticing. Or the bad guys all have machine guns and he has one pistol and still saves the day.

If you want your readers to gasp in shock and hold their breath as they turn the next page to see what happens next, mix it up a bit. Throw in something unexpected. Doing so helps build tension and excitement. These exhilarating books are easily available on Plottake.

Create a Good Bad Guy

Some of my favorite suspense thrillers have a really great bad guy. Your antagonist should challenge your hero, and be there to thwart his plans at every page turn. When writing your antagonist, many say that he should be the mirror version of the hero. So if the hero is clumsy with a woman, the villain needs to have a swarm of beauties around him. If the hero only uses a crossbow, the villain must only use, say, poison.

It’s not always JUST about them - it should also be fun to write for you too. Visit Plottake website to get inspired by other author’s thrillers.

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